Before Hardwood Installation
It's time to prepare for your new hardwood installation!
You will need to remove all furniture, furnishings, and items on the wall, from the rooms and closets that are receiving new hardwood. Since wood floors require a completely level subfloor, the current flooring will need to be removed completely and disposed of. We can help you assess pre-installation considerations such as old flooring disposal, subfloor prep needed, as well as trims and moldings. Your new hardwood planks need to acclimate to the temperature and humidity in your rooms, outside of the packaging box, for at least 3 days prior to installation.

During Hardwood Installation
It's extremely important during hardwood installation to designate an area for your hardwood installers to keep installation tools and wood planks. You will need to be home during your hardwood installation to answer questions and deal with any issues that arise. Since your hardwood installers will be using saws to cut and resize wood planks, it’s important to keep pets and kids away from the rooms receiving new hardwood and the designated installer area. The shape of your room, unique dimensions of the space, and number of installers on hand will determine the length of hardwood installation time.

After Hardwood Installation
After the hardwood installation is complete, now is the time to ask your installers any questions that you may have. Check to make sure that your doors have full range of motion with the new wood floors. Wait at least 24-48 hours before walking on your new floors and wait until your furniture is back in the rooms to walk on your floors with footwear on. Depending on the finish of your wood flooring, we recommend that you wait at least 2-4 days before returning your furniture in the room to let the floor cure. The longer you can wait before using the new wood floors, the better!